Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth… 2 Timothy 2:15

3401 Colonel Rd.
Richmond, KY 40475

Let Your Light Shine
“Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works
and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:16

Light has a powerful effect on a darkened place. Light boldly and unabashedly announces its presence, and vigorously dispels darkness. God’s desire is to fill you with His light. Furthermore, He wants you to shine as a brilliant testimony of His presence and power in your life. Let your light shine!

In Jesus’ Words

Look at what Jesus said about light. First, in Matthew 4:16, in announcing His own coming, Jesus said, “The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light, / And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death / Light has dawned”. Then, in Matthew 5:14, He said His disciples should be the “light of the world”. What an awesome responsibility – to be the ones through whom God would shine His divine light and dispel the darkness from around others!

There was no ignoring Jesus’ arrival upon earth. Darkness was dispelled! Everywhere Jesus went, God’s truth was boldly proclaimed, people were healed, hypocrisy was exposed, and sinners found forgiveness. As a result, the world was never the same once the Father introduced His light through His Son.

As you pray today, ask yourself if you are letting your light shine. Does your light radiate throughout your family, within your church, and into your community? Does your light dispel the darkness in the lives of those around you, and replace it with the light of God’s glory? Ask God to give you strength and courage as you work to shine His light boldly and unabashedly to others. And be sure to thank God for giving you His Son, who is The Light! Amen.


“Experiencing God Day-By-Day; The Devotional and Journal”, by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby ©1997. Entry February 21.

Additional Reading:
Confident Hope
Press On


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