Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth… 2 Timothy 2:15

3401 Colonel Rd.
Richmond, KY 40475


Why We Give

God is generous and He calls us to be as well. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

When we discuss the topic of giving, we always remember the words  of 2 Corinthians 9:7 –

“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.”

We give with a joyous heart, knowing that God is using those resources to fund the mission that He has called us to fulfill.

Your tithes and offerings allow the day-to-day ministry and operation of the church to flourish, supports staff, and funds programs for all ages. Your offerings also help spread the Gospel abroad through our missions efforts.

give in person

We do not pass an offering plate during our services.
For your convenience, there are black boxes located at each entrance to the sanctuary, allowing you the privacy to give as your heart is directed.
Giving envelopes are also available. Please contact our church secretary for more information about these envelopes.

give with a check

You can also mail a check to our church. Upon receipt, your offering will be directed to our secretary.
Mailing Address:
White Hall Baptist Church
3401 Colonel Rd.
Richmond, KY 40475

give online

You may give your tithe and offerings quickly and conveniently through our secure online-giving platform. Create your Tithe.ly account and easily give using a debit or credit card.
With our electronic giving program, you can easily make a  one-time contribution. You also can set up a recurring giving schedule that meets your budget.

Create Your Tithe.ly Account

Creating your tithe.ly account is easy, and it’s free! Visit tithe.ly to get started.

Download the App

You can also download the Tithe.ly app!