Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth… 2 Timothy 2:15

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Richmond, KY 40475

If You Seek Him


The Lord is with you while you are with Him.
If you seek Him, He will be found by you;
but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.
2 Chronicles 15:2

Our response to God greatly determines His presence in our lives. If we seek God with all of our hearts, then we will find Him (Jeremiah 29:13-14). God desires a close walk with us, but we must understand that God will relate to us on His terms, not ours. He will make His presence real and personal if that is our desire. When we repent of our sin and seek God on His terms, we begin an intimate relationship with Him (James 4:8-10). We are to continually seek Him, beginning each day with the assurance that God is walking beside us.

The Lord wants to have fellowship with us, but He will not force a relationship upon us. We cannot reject fellowship with God and expect Him to remain near. It is an affront to God to treat Him like a servant who should wait upon us! He does not just simply follow us throughout our day in case we need His assistance. If we continue to forsake Him, then a time will come when we desperately need Him and He will not be near (Isaiah 59:1-2).

As you pray today, thank God for walking beside you! Show God that you are truly seeking Him by studying His word and through daily prayer. If your actions reveal that you are genuinely seeking God, then He promises that you will find Him (Matthew 7:7).

“Experiencing God Day-By-Day; The Devotional and Journal”, by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby ©1997. Entry September 1.

Additional Reading:
God Speaks In Many Times and Ways
Earnestly Seeking Him

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