But at midnight Paul and Silas were
praying and singing hymns to God,
and the prisoners were listening to them.
Acts 16:25
Your joy as a Christian should not depend on your circumstances. Joy comes from God, and therefore it cannot be affected by what is outside of you. The actions of others should not determine your joy. You can find true joy in knowing that God Himself lives within you and has fellowship with you, regardless of your environment. You also can find true joy in knowing that God has completely forgiven you of every sin, and He has a home prepared in heaven where you can spend eternity with Him (John 14:3). The circumstances of your life cannot change these truths – you can choose to rejoice!
Paul and Silas faced some of the most difficult circumstances imaginable. They were falsely accused, arrested, and imprisoned. Next, they were beaten and shackled in the darkest depths of the prison. Yet, they did not blame God for allowing these things to happen to them; instead, they praised Him for His goodness, and refused to allow their horrific situation to dampen their joy. Through the night, they prayed and they sang. God brought a miracle that released them from their chains, but perhaps the greater miracle was that the Holy Spirit filled them to the point they were overflowing with joy, in spite of their painful circumstances.
As you pray today, thank God for filling you with His unquenchable joy! Thank Him for bringing you His joy in both good times and in difficult times. Praise Him for allowing you to be an example of His joy to others. Amen!
Source: “Experiencing God Day-By-Day; The Devotional and Journal”, by Henry T. Blackaby and Richard Blackaby ©1997. Entry July 5.